Newer technologies, along with ever-evolving demands of the world around us are shifting the focus from only reading and writing to the development of skills. To prepare our children for life, along with providing knowledge, we have to provide them opportunities to develop skills such as communication, decision making, values, independent thinking, teamwork, leadership, creativity, research and problem solving.
21st Century Integrated Curriculum
The curriculum followed at Doon International School is a well structured, carefully planned, accountable and appropriate curriculum that incorporates the best pedagogic practices keeping in mind learners’ multiple intelligences and learning styles. Ours is an integrated and developmentally appropriate learning programme that provides experiential learning and ensures the learners’ holistic development through a multi-sensory approach, transporting them to a higher level of thinking. We focus on the development of basic skills and higher level thinking, encourage lifelong learning, structure learning around meaningful concepts, and provide connections among various curricular disciplines, along with providing learners opportunities to apply skills they have learned. Our curriculum encourages active participation in relevant real-life experiences. The books and activities captivate, motivate, challenge and scaffold learners along with providing them a deeper understanding of content.
We never forget that there are other equally important factors in the successful education of our young learners - the educators and parents. If we are to achieve the goals set in the curriculum, we must ensure that the teaching learning process in the classrooms is efficient and strong. The educators are given not just an effective curriculum, but are also constantly empowered to imbibe and deliver the curriculum to the learners. Through various educator training programmes and workshops, we arm them with transactional tools and procedural guidelines that help in discovering new and improved ways to delivered their learning sessions. Parenting workshops too are conducted regularly for the Kindergarten school parents to orient them about the latest parenting techniques along with guiding them about how they can participate in their children’s holistic education.
At Doon International School, we believe that each child is a miracle, and that there hasn’t been and never will be another like him/her. All we have to do is nurture the creative and curious spirit of the children – stoke the flame and let the fire burn.