Tips To Help Prepare Your Transition To Boarding School

As new students arrive on the best residential school campuses to start their next experience, this upcoming week will be exciting. This moment represents the result of months of arduous effort, preparation, and dreaming. While students distance themselves from their families to embrace their burgeoning independence, it also symbolizes a turning point in their development. Unsurprisingly, there may be a range of feelings at the first drop-off. 

Here Are The Tips For Preparing Transition To Boarding School:

1. Make A Plan For When And How You And Your Child Will Communicate

Make A Plan For When And How You And Your Child Will Communicate

Instead of quitting things receptive-ended and leaving everyone wondering what includes less or more contact, talk about this beforehand. Within the first 48 hours, refrain from calling or messaging. 

Students must separate to succeed, and if they are still thinking about home, they won’t fully engage in their new institutions. Moreover, don’t anticipate a lot of communication in the initial few weeks. 

Many events are planned by schools to immediately immerse students in campus life. Communication typically becomes more routine as pupils get used to one another. Having regularly set times to interact, in addition to spontaneous calls and texts, balances expectations and promotes everyone’s well-being.

2. Be Prepared For Homesickness – Or The Lack Of it

Be Prepared For Homesickness - Or The Lack Of it

It’s possible to miss your home and loved ones early on in the year or even months into it. It’s normal and expected to feel this way. 

Encourage your pupil by listening to them and telling them your faith in their power. Moreover, prepare yourself in case your boarding school student doesn’t express any such emotions. The fact that pupils are enjoying the abundance of fresh opportunities around them makes this experience perfectly acceptable.

3. Make A List Of Contact Information

Make A List Of Contact Information

Your youngster will interact with several adult mentors, while concluding teachers and coaches, including advisors, dorm parents, and deans—and occasionally single individual fills many parts.

Every boarding school also offers a health centre with specialized specialists to assist students in managing their physical and emotional health (you might check in before leaving campus).

Recognize the procedures followed by your child’s school when dealing with academic or extracurricular concerns, and be aware of the appropriate contacts for such issues.

Do your finest to get the advisors, the dorm parents, and the dean of students or residential life exact communication details so that you can know the full details about the boarding school fees.

4. Listen With Perspective

Listen With Perspective

Students can now easily reach out in an emergency if they are experiencing intense emotions due to a problem, thanks to modern technologies.

Keep in mind that you are simply hearing your student’s perspective and that there may be further information. Moreover, many things that explode can dissipate just as swiftly.

5. Keep Your Child At School Until Parents Weekend, Which is Usually in Mid-October

Keep Your Child At School Until Parents Weekend, Which is Usually in Mid-October

Each student has a distinct timetable for forming new friendship groups, but your student will have more chances to connect if they attend school on the weekends.

6. Fully Understand Off-Campus Permission Procedures

Fully Understand Off-Campus Permission Procedures

Schools place great emphasis on safety, and one important safety priority is knowing whether or not your student is on campus. Even if your student will stay with you over the weekend, it’s crucial to finish the official sign-out procedure.

You can even give your student permission to leave campus to go into a nearby town or spend the weekend with other student families by putting it in writing with many schools. Recognize the boundaries and be aware that you can add these permissions later as your comfort level with your child’s independence grows.

7. Most Importantly, Have Faith

Most Importantly, Have Faith

Sending your child to go to boarding school can be difficult. It is also a fantastic opportunity for progress. Allowing your youngster room to adjust to this new existence is an occasion for joy. When you and your child begin this thrilling journey, The Bertram Group is supporting you two.


Boarding schools provide a life-changing educational opportunity that equips students for success and independence as adults. 

Best residential schools give students the skills they need to make the transition to adulthood through the development of self-reliance, the provision of a structured environment, the cultivation of interpersonal skills, the opportunity for leadership, the emphasis on academic excellence, and the mentorship offered by committed teachers.

Boarding schools prepare students for a bright and rewarding future by encouraging independence, responsibility, and resilience. This is done by empowering students to succeed in both their private and proficient lives.

Also Read; List of Affordable Boarding Schools in Dehradun 2023-24