Easy Steps To Teach Kids To Read

Reading is a basic skill that applies the basis for a kid’s educational success and lifelong education. Dehradun, home to several famous CBSE boarding schools, is renowned for its dedication to delivering quality education.

In this blog post, we will discuss easy steps to teach kids to read, a skill essential for thriving in Dehradun’s prestigious educational institutions.

Know The Steps To Teach Kids To Read 

1. Start Early

Start Early

Early exposure to reading is key. It’s never too shortly to teach your kid to the world of words. Begin with board books and colorful picture books tailored to the interests of your child. Dehradun famous schools emphasize the importance of early literacy in their curricula.

2. Create a Reading Environment

Children learn by example. Make sure your home environment promotes reading. Make a comfortable reading nook with a comfy chair, adequate lighting, and a variety of books. By fostering a love for reading in the home, children are more likely to excel in CBSE boarding school in Dehradun.

3. Read Aloud

Read Aloud

Reading aloud to your kid is a wonderful method to encourage their interest in reading. Make the story come alive by choosing age-appropriate books and using various voices and expressions. Dehradun famous school often organizes storytelling sessions to cultivate this vital skill.

4. Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic understanding is the knowledge that words are created up of unique sounds. Teach your child to recognize and manipulate the sounds of language. Start with simple rhyming games and progress to more complex activities.

CBSE boarding school in Dehradun emphasizes phonics and phonemic awareness in their early education programs.

5. Sight Words

Sight Words

Sight words are familiar words that kids should identify instantly. Create flashcards with words like ‘the,’ ‘and,’ ‘is,’ and ‘to.’ Practice these words regularly to build a strong reading foundation. Dehradun’s prestigious schools encourage students to master sight words early on for academic success.

6. Use Technology

Incorporate educational apps and online resources into your child’s reading journey. Dehradun famous school integrates technology into their teaching methods, and using apps can make learning more engaging and interactive.

7. Make it Fun

Make it Fun

Understanding to read must be a pleasant experience. Choose books and activities that cater to your child’s interests and hobbies. For instance, if they love animals, explore books about animals or visit Dehradun’s famous Malsi Deer Park to bring the reading experience to life.

8. Encourage Questions

Inspire your youngster to request questions while reading. This fosters critical thinking and comprehension skills. CBSE boarding school in Dehradun, active participation in discussions and critical analysis is highly valued.

9. Visit the Library

Visit the Library

Dehradun is home to some outstanding libraries. Regular library visits can expose your child to a variety of reading materials, helping them analyze their attractions and create a passion for reading. This practice is often encouraged by renowned Dehradun CBSE boarding schools.

10. Be Patient

Every child progresses at their own pace. Be patient and supportive during their reading voyage. In Dehradun famous school, teachers understand the importance of patience in helping students master the art of reading.

11. Consistency is Key

Consistency is crucial when teaching kids to read. Put aside a precise time per day for reading activities, and stick to it. In Dehradun’s top CBSE boarding schools, consistency is a cornerstone of academic excellence.

12. Set Goals

Establish attainable reading objectives for your child. Track their improvement and praise their achievements. Dehradun’s famous schools are renowned for setting high academic standards and helping students achieve their goals.


Teaching kids to read is a trip that demands patience, character, and a nurturing atmosphere.

With famous CBSE boarding school in Dehradun, places a strong emphasis on the development of literacy skills from an early age.

By following these easy steps and fostering a love for reading, you can prepare your child for academic success in one of Dehradun’s prestigious educational institutions.

Remember, reading is a skill that opens the door to a world of knowledge and opportunities, and Dehradun’s famous schools are committed to nurturing that skill.

Also Read : Top Girls Boarding Schools in Dehradun