Four Eye Exercises To Try During Study Breaks

In the hustle and bustle of academic life, students often find themselves glued to textbooks and screens for extended periods. This sedentary lifestyle, coupled with intense study sessions, can take a toll on eye health. To counteract this, incorporating eye exercises into study breaks is a proactive and professionally recommended approach.

As parents seek the best for their children, especially when it comes to education, CBSE schools in Dehradun stand out as institutions that prioritize overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore four effective eye exercises that students can seamlessly integrate into their study routines.

List of Eye Exercises To Try During Study Breaks:

1. The 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 Rule

In the realm of eye care, professionals often advocate the 20-20-20 rule to alleviate eye strain. Especially relevant for students enrolled in CBSE schools in Dehradun, where rigorous study schedules are the norm, this exercise is simple yet highly effective. Every 20 minutes of intense study, take a 20-second break and shift your focus to something at least 20 feet away. This brief pause allows your eye muscles to relax and helps prevent eye fatigue, promoting better concentration during study sessions.

2. Blinking Exercises

Blinking Exercises

Blinking is a natural reflex that helps moisturize the eyes and reduce dryness. However, during focused study sessions, individuals tend to blink less frequently. CBSE schools in Dehradun, known for their commitment to students’ holistic development, encourage blinking exercises as a part of maintaining eye health. Set a timer for two minutes and consciously blink your eyes rapidly. This simple exercise helps rejuvenate the eyes and prevents them from becoming dry and irritated.

3. Figure Eight Eye Exercise

Figure Eight Eye Exercise

This eye exercise is akin to drawing an imaginary figure eight with your eyes. Sit comfortably and visualize a large figure eight about ten feet in front of you. Trace the figure eight with your eyes, moving them in a smooth, uninterrupted motion. This exercise enhances eye coordination and flexibility. It’s particularly beneficial for students, and when practiced during study breaks, it can contribute to improved focus and concentration, key attributes for success in CBSE schools in Dehradun and beyond.

4. Palming Technique

Palming Technique

The palming technique is a relaxation exercise that professionals recommend to alleviate eye strain. During study breaks, find a quiet space to sit comfortably. Cup your hands over your closed eyes without applying pressure after vigorously rubbing your hands together. Breathe deeply and allow the warmth to relax your eye muscles.

This exercise not only rejuvenates tired eyes but also provides a moment of calm, beneficial for managing stress during demanding study sessions in the best boys school in India, including those in Dehradun.

As parents navigate the educational landscape, selecting the best CBSE schools in Dehradun is a priority. These institutions not only excel in academic excellence but also prioritize the overall well-being of their students. Incorporating these eye exercises into study breaks is a proactive step towards maintaining optimal eye health, ensuring that students can face their academic challenges with clear vision and focus.

In the journey towards academic success, nurturing the well-being of students is a commitment that distinguishes CBSE schools in Dehradun as the best boys’ schools in India.

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