7 Most Important Tips To Improve Public Speaking of Your Kids

Public speaking is a useful talent that can greatly benefit children throughout their academic and professional lives. Whether enrolled in the best boarding school in Uttarakhand, fostering effective public speaking abilities in children is a gift that keeps on giving.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some crucial tips to help improve the public speaking skills of your kids, emphasizing the unique learning environments of both boarding and day schools.

Know the Important Tips to Improve Public Speaking of Your Kids 

1. Encourage Regular Practice

Encourage Regular Practice

Like other aptitudes, public speaking is enhanced with constant practice. Encourage your kids to engage in activities that involve speaking in front of others, such as participating in class discussions, joining debate clubs, or even taking part in school assemblies. Boarding schools often provide a supportive and collaborative environment for such activities, fostering a sense of camaraderie among students.

For day schools in Dehradun, opportunities for regular practice are abundant both in and outside the classroom. Teachers and parents can collaborate to create an atmosphere where pupils feel comfortable saying their opinions and thoughts, gradually building their confidence in public speaking.

2. Foster a Positive Environment

Foster a Positive Environment

Creating a favorable and supportive atmosphere is vital for evolving strong public speaking skills. In the best boarding school in Uttarakhand, students often form close-knit communities, providing a safe space for constructive feedback and encouragement. Teachers play a crucial part in fostering this environment, offering guidance and instilling faith in their students.

Similarly, day schools can cultivate positive learning environments where students feel empowered to express themselves. Encourage teachers to incorporate public speaking activities into their lesson plans, making it an integral part of the learning experience.

3. Teach The Art of Storytelling

Teach The Art of Storytelling

Effective public speaking often involves the art of storytelling. Encourage your kids to weave compelling narratives when presenting their ideas. Whether sharing personal experiences, presenting a project, or participating in a debate, the ability to tell a story captivates the audience’s attention and makes the message more memorable.

In Uttarakhand’s best boarding schools, where students often come from diverse backgrounds, storytelling can be a powerful tool to foster understanding and connection among peers.

In day schools in Dehradun, teachers can incorporate storytelling techniques into various subjects, making learning engaging and enhancing students’ public speaking skills simultaneously.

4. Focus on Body Language and Voice Modulation

Focus on Body Language and Voice Modulation

Public speaking is not just about the words spoken; body language and voice modulation play a significant role in effective communication. Work with your kids to develop confident body language, such as keeping eye contact, standing tall, and using expressive gestures. Encourage them to vary their tone and pace to keep the audience engaged.

In the boarding school in Uttarakhand, students can benefit from the holistic approach to education, where extracurricular activities, including drama and public speaking clubs, contribute to overall personality development. Day schools in Dehradun can also incorporate drama and communication workshops to help students refine their body language and voice modulation.

5. Provide Constructive Feedback

Provide Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is essential for improvement. Encourage teachers, peers, and parents to provide constructive feedback on your kids’ public speaking performances. Positive reinforcement for strengths and gentle guidance for areas of improvement contribute to continuous growth.

In Uttarakhand’s best boarding schools, where students often form close bonds with teachers, feedback sessions can be personalized and insightful. Similarly, day schools in Dehradun can establish a feedback culture, fostering a supportive learning environment where students feel motivated to enhance their public speaking skills.

6. Attend Public Speaking Workshops

Attend Public Speaking Workshops

Consider enrolling your kids in public speaking workshops or camps. These specialized programs offer targeted training and guidance from experienced speakers and coaches. Best boarding schools in Uttarakhand can collaborate with external organizations to organize such workshops, providing students with valuable insights and practical tips.

7. Embrace Technology for Practice

Embrace Technology for Practice

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in honing public speaking skills. Encourage your kids to create video presentations or participate in virtual speaking engagements. This not only provides an opportunity for self-reflection but also prepares them for the evolving landscape of communication.

In the best boarding school, where students often have access to cutting-edge technology, incorporating digital platforms for public speaking practice can be seamless. Day schools in Dehradun can similarly integrate technology into their teaching methods to enhance students’ comfort with virtual communication.


Improving public speaking skills in kids is an acquisition in their future triumph. Whether enrolled in the best boarding school in Uttarakhand, the tips outlined above can be adapted to the unique learning environments of each.

By fostering a positive atmosphere, encouraging regular practice, and providing constructive feedback, parents and educators can contribute to the development of confident and articulate speakers, preparing students for success in both academic and professional arenas.

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